Abstract an important reason, which causes criminal offence, is a crime motive of the crime native. 摘要引起犯罪行为的一个重要原因是犯罪人的犯罪动机。
Evidence in a criminal trial concerns the intent, motive, means, and opportunity to commit a crime. 刑事审判中的证据关系到犯罪的目的,动机,方法和机会等。
Criminal motive is the internal causes that stimulate offender to commit a crime. 犯罪动机是刺激犯罪人实施犯罪行为的内心冲动或内心起因。
According to the article, the purpose is the core of the theoretical concepts, the purpose which is essentially the specific criminal purposes rather than the general criminal purpose or the criminal motive, it is more than subjective factors, and have no objective elements corresponding. 文章认为,目的是目的犯理论中的核心概念,目的犯的目的在本质上是特定犯罪目的而非一般犯罪目的或者犯罪动机,它属于主观超过因素,在犯罪构成中没有客观要素与之对应。
As for the intended crime, the psychological foundation of criminal liability is based on malicious criminal motive and contempt to the criminal law. 对故意犯罪而言,刑事责任的心理基础主要表现为行为人恶劣的犯罪动机和对法律的蔑视态度;
In investigating work, it is helpful to search and apply criminal psychological track for analyzing the criminal's motive and the process of crime committing and "picturing" the criminal. 在侦查工作中,研究和应用犯罪心理痕迹,对分析犯罪分子的犯罪动机、实施犯罪活动的过程以及刻画犯罪分子均大有裨益。
The folk-culture may be used to reveal the suspect's identity character, range of terrain, criminal motive, and the tricks of anti-detection in detecting crime. 在犯罪侦查中,利用民俗文化可以揭示涉案人的身份特征、查清涉案人的地域范围、分析涉案人的作案动机、辨析涉案人的反侦查伎俩。
On this basis, the article analyzes the forming mechanism of juvenile criminal psychology, through the motive, purpose and behavior theory. 在此基础上,通过动机、目的与行为理论来分析青少年犯罪心理形成的机制。
Therefore, there still existing the criminal motive in these two types of crime. 所以,在这两类犯罪中也存在犯罪动机。
Studying criminal motive is propitious to master the essence of crime, to really achieve the purpose of punishment, to exert all the functions of the Penal Code. 研究犯罪动机有利于科学地把握犯罪的本质,有利于真正地实现刑罚的目的,有利于全面地发挥刑法的功能。
The different understanding of the existence in the criminal motives is an inevitable extension of different connotations of criminal motivation. Part ⅴ, status of criminal motive in the Penal Code. 对于犯罪动机存在范围认识上的差异是人们对犯罪动机内涵不同认识的必然延伸。第五部分,犯罪动机的刑法地位。
Therefore, the author suggests that make the criminal motive as selective element of crime structure, and definitude the criminal motives as statutory sentencing circumstances in legislation. 因此,笔者提出应当确立犯罪动机的选择性构成要件地位,并在立法中明确犯罪动机的法定量刑情节地位。
As directly psychological-causes driving the perpetrators to commit a crime, the formation and development of criminal motive is regulated by the law. 犯罪动机作为推动犯罪人实施犯罪行为的直接心理动因,它的形成和发展是有规律可循的。
These deficiencies in evaluating the status of criminal motive may lead to the unjust decision. 我国刑法对犯罪动机地位评价的这些不足可能会导致判决的不公正。
The criminal motive is the inner cause driving actor to put the criminal act into practice. It answers why the perpetrator commit the crime, but does not have directly link with the crime result. 犯罪动机是驱动行为人实施犯罪行为的内心起因,它只回答行为人为什么要实施犯罪行为,与犯罪结果没有直接联系。
The main body of this paper includes the following components: Part ⅰ, a summary of the criminal motive. 本文主要包括以下几个部分:第一部分,犯罪动机的概述。
This is not to say there is no criminal motive in unconscious motivation, but because of some reasons, the criminal does not syllabify perceive the blurred inner reasons that have an active role in criminal acts. 无意识动机并不是说没有犯罪动机,而是由于某种原因,犯罪者没有清晰地觉察到,模糊难辨的,对犯罪行为起推动作用的那些内心原因。
Most of the criminal motive is formed directly on the basis of need. But there is still a small part of a crime motive by external incentives. 大部分犯罪动机是在行为人需要基础上直接形成的,但是还是有一小部分犯罪动机是由外部诱因引起的。
This section includes the meaning of motive, several major motive theory, the concept, characteristics, the nature and function of criminal motive. 这一部分包括动机的涵义、几种主要的动机理论、犯罪动机的概念、特征、性质以及功能。
In the course of the research, with adopting document research method, this paper collects and makes use of theories from home and abroad, legislation, and judicial practice information about criminal motive. 在研究过程中,本文主要采用文献研究方法,收集并利用国内外关于犯罪动机的理论、立法、司法实践资料,进行研究。
In this section, the author firmly grasps the meaning of criminal motive and separate it from criminal purpose. 在这一部分,笔者紧紧抓住犯罪动机的涵义,使它和犯罪目的区分开来。
General motive is neutral, but criminal motive has moral judgment and anti-social nature. Part ⅱ, the generation mechanism of criminal motive. 一般的行为动机是中性的,但犯罪动机已经被道德化判断,犯罪动机具有反社会的性质。第二部分,犯罪动机的生成机制。
The research purpose of this part is to provide preliminary understanding of the motive and criminal motive for the next study on a sound foundation. 本部分的研究目的在于初步认识动机和犯罪动机,为下一步深入研究打好基础。
In careless negligence crime, there also existing a criminal motive. This is one kind of "unconscious motive". 在疏忽大意的过失犯罪中,也存在犯罪动机,这是一种无意识动机。
Among them, the needs and to meet it are the roots of crime motive. The generation of criminal motive, a criminal consciousness, as well as the formation of action of culpability mind are all connected with the satisfaction of the needs. 其中,人的需要及其满足是产生犯罪动机的根源,犯罪动机的生成,乃至犯罪意识和罪过心理的形成都与追求需要的满足有关。
The traditional theory of criminal law holds that the criminal motive is not part of the crime structure and it is only the factor taken into account in sentencing. 刑法理论通说认为,犯罪动机是犯罪主观方面的内容之一,它不是犯罪构成的要件,只是量刑时考虑的因素。
This part also belongs to the basic theory of criminal motive. 这部分也是属于犯罪动机的基本理论。
We ought to establish developing, broad, scientific concept of criminal motive. 应当确立动态的、广义的、科学的犯罪动机的概念。
In legislation level, the Criminal Law and almost all the relevant judicial interpretations do not mention the criminal motive. 立法中,《刑法》包括几乎所有相关司法解释,对犯罪动机都是只字未提。
Criminal motive and the motive in common act are all to satisfy some kinds of need. The main difference between them is that the different ways and means used by the subject to meet this need. 犯罪动机与一般的行为动机都是为了满足主体的某种需要,二者的主要区别在于主体采用不同的方式和途径去满足这种需要。